what is sarcotropin ipa?
Link to purchaseIngredientsIpamorelin which gets your body to secrete more growth hormone.
Pralmorelin (GHRP2) which is similar action as Ipamorelin. Mucuna Pruriens lowers stress, reduces anxiety, improves focus, boosts the libido, and elevates mood. Vitamin D3 plays an essential role in muscle growth and development and in regulating muscle contractility. Ghrelin also stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Ghrelin also has protective effects on the cardiovascular system and plays a role in the control of insulin release. |
Well, it's not an India Pale Ale as in the type of beer. This is a different "IPA" as in one of the ingredients - Ipamorelin.
Sarcotropin® is a medical food containing ingredients that oppose sarcopenia, the progressive loss of muscle or lean body mass (LBM) that occurs during aging. The goal here is to increase growth hormone levels to their normal levels, not super human. And growth hormone should really be called "Repair Hormone" because it repairs tissues. What else does Sarcotropin IPA do buy increasing HGH? 1. Sense of well being 2. Abstract IQ (The ability to analyze information and solve problems on a complex, thought-based level ) 3. Being able to multi-task 4. Improves skin texture and tone 5. Improves Libido 6. Increases lean body mass (burns fat, builds muscle, reverses sarcopenia) 7. Builds bone (can stop adn reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis) 8. Increases exercise tolerance 9. Improves sleep quality 10. Improves immune function by... - increasing activity of natural killer cells - repairing DNA damage - Enhancing Thymus gland - Inhibiting NFKB (inflammatory marker) 11. Lowers cholesterol 12. Reverses Atherosclerosis 13. Improves heart function 14. Improves wound healing 15. Increases brain synapse speed (faster thinking) |