The Key To Great Health
If the body’s pH becomes acidic, it becomes harder and harder for the body to uptake other nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins or herbs. The key is to establish the proper acid/alkaline balance of your body. An acidic pH creates a hostile internal environment, like a raging storm, making the body struggle to get the nutrients it needs. The more acidic you become, the worse you will most likely feel.
As the body’s pH comes into better balance (pH 6.4 to 7.0), your body can easily assimilate minerals that were very difficult to absorb at a more acid pH. The first morning urine pH is an accurate reflection of the body’s tissue pH. Obtain a roll of pH tape to measure your own first morning urine pH.
As your body's PH normalizes, you increase oxygenation to your tissues by 10 to 20 fold. Increased oxygen decreases inflammation, reduces the risk of cancer (cancer cells do not like oxygen), and helps kill off any infectious agent you may have ("bugs" don't like oxygen). Can you think of any other benefits of increased oxygen levels to your body???
If the body’s pH becomes acidic, it becomes harder and harder for the body to uptake other nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins or herbs. The key is to establish the proper acid/alkaline balance of your body. An acidic pH creates a hostile internal environment, like a raging storm, making the body struggle to get the nutrients it needs. The more acidic you become, the worse you will most likely feel.
As the body’s pH comes into better balance (pH 6.4 to 7.0), your body can easily assimilate minerals that were very difficult to absorb at a more acid pH. The first morning urine pH is an accurate reflection of the body’s tissue pH. Obtain a roll of pH tape to measure your own first morning urine pH.
As your body's PH normalizes, you increase oxygenation to your tissues by 10 to 20 fold. Increased oxygen decreases inflammation, reduces the risk of cancer (cancer cells do not like oxygen), and helps kill off any infectious agent you may have ("bugs" don't like oxygen). Can you think of any other benefits of increased oxygen levels to your body???
- More energy
- Better cognition, less brain fog
- Improved circulation, less pain.
- The list goes on...
How To Test Your PH
To test your own body’s pH, collect a small sample of your first morning urine in a clean cup. Check the pH of your urine by dipping a small piece of pH tape into your urine; then immediately match the color of the tape to the pH color chart on the roll. The number corresponding to the color tells you the pH. Do this for about two weeks to get an average. An ideal first morning urine pH range is between 6.4 to 7.0. Acid pH: A urine pH below 6.0 is in the acid range Highly alkaline pH: a urine pH over 8.0 is often a danger sign, warning you that your pH is too far out of range. |
HOW TO TREAT LOW PH (Pick one of the below and add more until your PH normalizes)
- Ultraclear Plus PH: Shake canister before scooping. Blend, shake, or briskly stir about 2 level scoops into 8 ounces of chilled water or juice twice daily.
- PHytoGanix: Take one serving one to two times daily. Stir or mix 1 packet in 8 fl oz of water or juice until blended.
- Take 2 capsules of Coral Legend Plus twice per day. Take this with a swig of AloePro or Herbal Aloe Force
- Coral Legend Link :
- AloePro Link:
- Herbal Aloe Force Link:
- If you are not already, take vitamin D3 with the above Featured Products - start D3K2 at 2 pumps per day.
- Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water plus 3 drops of stevia & take on an empty stomach.
- Drink the juice of one lemon per day, and or eat citrus daily.
- Eat more raw nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.
- Eat less meats and dairy. (No, you don't have to cut out completely...)
- Eat less processed foods (yes, that includes Fast Food Joints).
- Drink bone broth
highly alkaline foods
Pumpkin seeds |
Lime |
miso |
Sweet Potato |
Lentil |